We are currently migrating from an old active directory domain to a new active directory domain. One of the applications that we have to migrate across is Windows Sharepoint Services. It is proving to be the most challenging part of the domain name migration.

Basically from what I have found it is not easily possible to migrate a WSS 2.0 site to a WSS 3.0 site on a different domain. I have been spending the better part of today working on it, and only now found this forum post entitled Migrate WSS 2.0 site to WSS 3.0 at eggheadcafe.com. They sum it up as “MS seem pretty determined to make us go the ‘upgrade in place or to another server via a database backup’ route.”.

I have been trying to use smigrate.exe to make the migration, but kept getting the error code 0x81071e57 every time I went to restore the WSS 2.0 site to the new WSS 3.0 server.

Now, based on everything that I have read, I have uninstalled WSS 3.0 and removed the databases from our MS SQL server. I have installed the older WSS 2.0 site and will be using smigrate.exe to migrate the site onto our new server, and then I will have to do the “upgrade in place” route to get the site up to Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0.

The worst part (or at least a very frustrating part about it) is that on Microsoft’s own web-site under the instructions for content migrating from a WSS 2.0 site to WSS 3.0 site the only thing they have listed is “This article is a placeholder for future content. It is included in
this documentation to illustrate the proposed structure. This
documentation is updated regularly, and new information is added on a
regular basis. Please check back often.”.

Maybe by the time you read this article there will be content on the page, but it sure doesn’t help me today…

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5 Replies to “Migrate Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) 2.0 to 3.0 on a New Server”

  1. I totally am on the same board. This is total crap how MS drop the ball for those who didn’t pay for Portal! Even Smigrate.exe fails because 3.0 site already have the template (so it complains) and if you don’t have the precreated site (it fails because it need you to have a site).

  2. Microtrash still has horrible documentation for this migration and it doesn’t work. Did any of you ever resolve this?

  3. Where is that detailed documentation? I’d like to do the same (migrate WSS 2.0 to WSS 3.0 on a new server – in the same domain) and am just looking for the documented process. Source server is SBS 2003 and target server is 2008 R2 Standard with fresh install of WSS 3.0.Anybody have a link to this process? Thanks.

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