WordPress get_excerpt – show more words

the get_excerpt function on WordPress shows the first 55 words of your post, striped out of any special formatting eg: links, bold, etc.  I wanted to change it for a blog I was developing so I traced it back to the function wp_trim_excerpt in the…

PHP Shopping cart

On my previous post I wrote about e-comerce tutorials. As part of the system I’m buiding I was looking for a pre-coded shopping cart in PHP (the cart only with nothing else attached to it). I was getting very fustrated with the ammount of stuff…

Internet Explorer for Linux IE4Linux

What a terrible idea… and yet very useful. Let me explain. If you are a web developer you will have to test you web apps or sites on IE, specially because IE lives in it’s own little world but still a lot of people use…

WordPress 2.3 released

WordPress have just released version 2.3 and I have been playing with it on my personal blog. I decided to try a test and do the equivalent of ‘non-techie’ install and ignore all their warnings about deactivating plugins and what not before upgrading in an…

WordPress and favicon

With the ability to create your own blogsite using WordPress being so easy these days, the rise of the plugin quickly interests those who want to add that certain amount of ‘polish’ to their site. The little picture you see on your web browser or…

Web 2.0 – What’s that?

Everyone is talking about it! But do we actually know what Web 2.0 means? Even when looking at jobs advertised in the UK one finds that companies require web developers to have “experience in Web 2.0”, which I find quite interesting. So what’s Web 2.0?…