OpenSuse Linux 11.0

openSuse 11.0 was released this month and from user’s feedback it seems to be a good update of this distro by Novell. I’ve been using Suse Linux for a while now and it’s a very robust Linux distribution, strong on the server side but also…

Mac OS System Error Code 1712

The Mac OS X System Error Code -1712 is a bit of an ambiguous one as all that it means is that the application has timed out. We got Error Code -1712 when we tried to run Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection on one of our…

Splashtop – Instant-on Linux on Asus Motherboard

Asus is to go mainstream with Splashtop on its Motherboards. Spashtop is an instant-on Linux OS that manufacturers can implement into their motherboards giving the user an option to instantly use internet and skype without having to boot up a full OS. Up to now…

System Monitoring with Nagios

Nagios is a network monitoring service that is designed to run under Linux or any othe unix-like system with a C compiler. I have been reading about Nagios for a while and so decided to give it a go. I haven’t put it to full…

SugarCRM Error “IMAP won’t work without c-client”

This error will cripple Sugar’s email functionality, which is a major development in version 5.0, previous versions of SugarCRM Community Edition (free) did not handle emails at all. This error happens when the php5-imap extension hasn’t been installed. After searching for sometime I found a…

SugarCRM Upgrade Error

Upgrading SugarCRM Community Edition from 4.5 to 5.0 is supposed to be a walk in the park, and if you do have the right settings it will be. As in IT everything depends on the little details, SugarCRm wouldn’t be different. Don’t get me wrong…