SugarCRM Error “IMAP won’t work without c-client”

This error will cripple Sugar’s email functionality, which is a major development in version 5.0, previous versions of SugarCRM Community Edition (free) did not handle emails at all. This error happens when the php5-imap extension hasn’t been installed. After searching for sometime I found a…

SugarCRM Upgrade Error

Upgrading SugarCRM Community Edition from 4.5 to 5.0 is supposed to be a walk in the park, and if you do have the right settings it will be. As in IT everything depends on the little details, SugarCRm wouldn’t be different. Don’t get me wrong…

SugarCRM installation error “MySQL not available”

While moving a SugarCRM installation to a different server I found this problem – “MySQL not available”. Firstly I had a blank page and then decide to re-run the installation script. During the system check it listed MySQL as not available, so I checked for…

Saving default as .doc in Openoffice

I have always thought OpenOffice was a great tool to use – but have been continually frustrated at it saving in the open office format by default, so after some searching and tinkering I found a way to make all the openoffice applications default save…