I’ve just installed the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop SLED 10 on my Laptop and had a hard time trying to install Skype on it. It come up with a whole load of dependency problems and even after installing all the required libraries it still didn’t work. I then went to the Skype website and downloaded the Static version. The static version for Linux comes with all the libraries it needs so no need to compile, just follow these simple steps.
1 – Download the Static Version from the Skype website
2 – Unpack it wherever you like in your system (I personally created a folder under my user root folder called Static_programs)
3 – Create a link on the Desktop (right-click / Create Launcher / Browse to where you unpacked it – on SLED 10)
4 – Run program and setup sound device properties (in my case the default option worked just fine)
You should now have a running Skype application.